Mini Urban Retreat

This unique course of 5 mini retreats at Hot Flow Yoga Jordaan will combine Yin Yoga with other supportive self love practices.

During this winter, we will connect to ourselves with the magic of Yin Practice.
This beautiful journey will allow us to feel more grounded and specious in our body, mind, and heart. Yin Yoga will help us also understand the importance of creating time for softness and kindness for ourselves and others.

Over the course of 5 months, Martyna will guide students through in-depth Yin Practice focused on Five Element theory. Each month, we will focus on different elements and corresponding meridians.

As we go through the months together, we will deepen our practice by adding special mini events to our Yin Yoga Session.

Mini Schedule

Hot Flow Yoga Jordaan

November 23rd – Cacao ceremony with Jaime
December 14th – Breathwork with Susanna
January 18th – Sound Healing with Inna
February 15th – Kirtan with Maria
March 22nd – Ecstatic Dance with Karin

Each of these mini events has a different power to make us feel whole, connected, and at home again.

Let’s make this winter warm and cosy together. Let’s build a community. Let’s find ourselves again and open our hearts fully before spring hugs us again.

Earth - Cacao ceremony with Jaime

November 23rd - 18:30 - 20:30

This month during our Yin Practice, we are going to work on the element of Earth. When we are connected to the Earth, there is a clear sense of groundedness, a connection to the centre of ourselves, and the centre of all things. In balance with earth energy, we understand which activities and experiences are nourishing, as opposed to which ones temporarily fill a desire.

To make our November practice more magical, Jaime will share many years of knowledge about ceremonial cacao. Cacao has both its nutritional and spiritual benefits. It’s one of the highest food sources of antioxidants, which help to protect the body from oxidative stress and damage from free radicals. On the spiritual side, cacao is known for its grounding and heart-opening qualities. This mini event is designed to place you in a positive, uplifted state where you’re open to embracing spiritual intentions as you connect more deeply with yourself and with others. Cacao is a powerful plant that can help facilitate spiritual growth, healing, and deep connection.

Metal - Breathwork with Susanna

December 14th - 18:30 - 20:30

This month during our Yin Practice, we are going to work on the element of Metal. The metal element, when in balance, governs our ability to take in life, absorb what is good for us, and let go of the rest, making space for the new. Metal element is represented by the lungs and controls respiration and feelings of openness and freedom.

To make this practice whole, Susanna, with her deep, traditional knowledge, will guide us through a breathwork practice.
Her mini event will help us understand the importance of taking time to slow down and purposefully breathe deeply and slowly. As we slow down and control our breath, we will tell the brain that everything is OK and that will give a sign to the body that it’s safe to relax. The fight or flight response decreases, and the body can begin to function fully balanced again. What a gift.

Water - Sound Healing with Inna

January 18th - 18:30 - 20:30

This month during our Yin Practice, we are going to work on the element of Water. The water element allows for adaptation to all of life’s changes, challenges, and stresses. So important during the winter time. Balanced water energy empowers us to control emotions rather than letting emotions control us.

Inna with Sound Healing and her incredible soft and kind energy will make our January practice whole. In our fast-paced, digitally connected world, we are constantly looking for ways to unplug, slow down, and take a breath. Sound healing is a magical way to allow all that and to come back to ourselves and to find peace once again.

Wood - Kirtan with Maria

February 15th - 18:30 - 20:30

February Yin Practice will be centred around the element of wood. The wood element is a delicate balance of asserting and expressing our truths and preferences while accepting other points of view and processes without judgement.

In our mini event for this month, Maria will share her love for music and guide us through a wonderful journey of using our voice with full power and with no judgement attached to it. Singing together will leave us with open hearts and feelings of love and compassion towards ourselves and others.

Fire - Ecstatic Dance with Karin

March 22nd - 18:30 - 20:30

Our last mini retreat will be focused on the element of Fire. In our Yin Practice, we will go deeply into finding balance in that element. When the fire element is in balance, we feel loving, spontaneous, and joyful. We find more creativity in our lives. The yin meridians of the fire element run from the chest down the arms and into the hands. They relate strongly to touch, intimacy, and connection. It’s through touch that we affirm friendship, give, and share.

To make our journey together to spring more magical, our mini event for March will be all about expressing ourselves to ourselves and each other. Karin, with her love for music, dancing, and spirituality, will guide us through an ecstatic dance journey. Ecstatic dance is a form of movement meditation. We will focus on being present and moving according to the body’s needs. Practice will help us lift the mood and will give space to process together in the spring.